Thursday, September 18, 2014

Waiting for the bus...

The kids seem to get silly in the morning while waiting for the bus.  (We are so fortunate to have the kids picked up at the end of our driveway).  This  morning they kept asking me "take my picture" over and over again.

 One came out decent :)

They are silly, happy kids!  
They are continuing to do well in school - nothing too exciting.  Bella came home yesterday and told me she has a "new best friend" and she loves her!  It was cute.  She has been doing fine and socializing but she doesn't remember names well so she was excited to talk about her.  

Last Friday night we went to the York Fair and the kids had a great time.  A woman that Jason works with gets us free tickets and free ride tickets every year so the kids were excited to try  them all out. Jack loved the elephants - Bella was not so sure at first but did go on it a second time.

 Bella was really good at sharing her ice cream

 So good at doing it that Jack surprised her with a kiss!
On the way home Jack fell asleep and started talking random stuff.  He then said, "don't worry Grandmom will take care of it for me."  I asked him which Grandmom and he said, "Grandmom Newman".  He couldn't specify what she was going to take care of but I thought it was cute that he was dreaming of her and that she was taking care of him :) 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Just plugging along...

School is kicking my butt - so much work but it is going well.  I am just trying to balance everything.  I have had two "clients" so far.  (We are suppose to use client instead of patient - it seems odd to me.)  Both have been so nice and wonderful to work with so I am lucky.  Since we can not actually do too much we are also answering call bells and I have been able to interact with several other clients - all in all it is interesting and I feel like I am learning a ton - although I can not seem to get enough sleep - coffee is my friend :)  
The kids are still loving school and get points each day for listening and doing their work.  The kids have earned all of their points since they started.  I am so proud of how respectful they are.  
Here are a couple pictures from this week.  Jack loves to be "Jack the Magician" and was trying some new tricks earlier this week."

 As Bella says, "you can never have too many stuffed animals".  She sleeps propped up on them.  She does love them :)
 Jason and Jack went to a Penn State game last weekend so Bella and I were on our own.  I told her I was going to go on the treadmill and she said she wanted to go with me.  So the second picture is of us that day on Saturday and then on Sunday when Jack was home the three of us went for a jog / walk.   I had my phone out so we could listen to music so I just snapped this picture.  They look SO old here!! 

 Bella starts back with ballet on Saturday and Jack will *hopefully* start basketball soon.  Sign ups are next week and we won't know until then the schedule.  
So nothing new and exciting but I like this - we are all happy - so I can not ask for anything more :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Thank You!

The kids will be writing thank you for the gifts soon - but thank you for the cards and gifts.  We went shopping last week at Kmart and carefully spent over an hour picking and repicking and repicking out toys so we could make sure that they each had two but did not spend any more money.  Jack ended up getting a really nice Nerf Bow and Arrow and a Rabbid character (it is from a cartoon).  Bella got a Care Bear and a baby carrier for one of her dollies.  They were thrilled to be able to pay for it and were so excited and told I think everyone in the store that they were turning 6.
They got the gifts from Grandmom yesterday and, oh my, did they love them! 
They were exited to come home to a big box.  They liked the gifts but when they saw that they sang and danced, they were hooked.   This is Bella yelling, "OH MY GOODNESS!"

A dance party ensued.  You will see Bella ran to get her scissors so she could get the duck out of the package quicker than I could.  Bella had therapy last night and she brought it with her so she could show her therapists (and the receptionist, and the waiting parents.... well just about anyone)
I need to run to get them going - it is a dreary day here and we all seem to be dragging this morning. 


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We are holding a raffle to raise money for Angela's Susan G. Komen walk. All money will be donated directly to her team, "Team Pretty in Pink". For each dollar you donate you will be able to leave a comment under the prize you would like to win. $1 = 1 comment $10 = 15 comments $20 = 40 comments Raffle will begin Friday April 27th and will run through Thursday May4th at 7:00 pm EST. You can donate at Winners will be chosen via and will be listed here on Friday May 5.