Yesterday was a day I have been dreading, I think just as much as Jack. He had a cavity and needed to go get a filling. He does well going to the dentist overall but he was SCARED at the thought of a cavity. He has been crying off and on and telling me how scared he was, etc. I don't typically bribe the kids but I told him that if he was brave that he could have "Jack Day" where he chose what we got to do. That helped..... a little.
Anyway so the appointment was yesterday and he did FABULOUS! They used nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and he was happy as a clam. They came to get me when he was done and he was sitting in his chair smiling. The dentist and the assistant were fawning over him and he was just eating it up. He got THREE PRIZES! And "not everyone can get THREE PRIZES!!" He was very excited over his prizes. He has a small cavity on the other side and they did not want to numb up both sides so he goes back next month. He is excited and told me "cavities are fun!".
He got vampire teeth, a sticky hand, and a sticker.
We then went to the movies and out to dinner - he chose both. When we got home it was raining and the kids have been asking to play in the rain so I asked them if they wanted to. They ran in the house and stripped down to their undies so fast!
I told them to go down the slide in the backyard and they loved that because they went super fast. I stayed in the house and watched them because I am not 5 and do not like to getting soaking wet. They went over to the one dirt patch we have in our yard and decided it would be fun to paint themselves with mud.
Haha! They had a blast but I told them they were going to have to get washed off with the hose and that made them get even dirtier! The rain cleared up and out popped a rainbow to top off "Jack Day!"
I was exhausted at the end of Jack Day (Jason was working and then went golfing so I was on my own for scrubbing them down!) The kids had a ball though and laughed so happy giggles! Point of the title is that Grandmom called me right when they were rolling in the mud so I was unable to answer your call!
P.S. I have some pictures of Grandmom and her dedication that I need to go through but I will post them soon!