Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas season recap...

We went to "Christmas Magic" which is a huge light show at a local park:
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Jack saw Santa but Bella wanted nothing to do with him:
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Then we went to go pick out our Christmas tree:
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Decorated it:
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We visited Grandmom Newman (and had the BEST time)
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Well at least most people are facing the camera...
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We decorated a gingerbread house
(Bella got a little hungry and bit the poor snowman)
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and I have more but I have to run so I will put up some more pictures of actual Christmas tomorrow

Saturday, December 24, 2011

"Decorating cookies is delicious"

At least that is what Jack told me this morning.  We made some cookies for Santa (and while it was messy and they came out a little wonky looking, it was a lot of fun).
*I promise Bella does wear clothes but she started to get undressed and I was not going to dress her just to make the cookies as she is often quite messy and the last thing I need is more laundry to do.
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They decorated the cookies with m&ms and colored sugar.  They of course needed to sample the m&ms but I put my foot down when they insisted they needed to try the sugar... the last thing they need is to eat sugar straight!
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Here is the final product (I hope Santa has a sweet tooth as the sugar came out super quick!)
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These are the cookies that they chose to give to Santa tonight.  Jack insisted that was enough and that he needed the rest.  (you can see his hand creeping into the picture)
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Merry Christmas to everyone :)

5 minutes....

Molson is doing well.  Poor pup still needs to be tranquilized daily as he would run and jump if we let him, even with the pills.  It is crazy the amount of energy this dog has so soon after the surgery.  I really thought he would have been laid up for a bit... nope, Molson is super dog and nothing stops him.  He was always very active and would just roam around outside for hours each day.  Now he has to be on a leash and can only go outside for potty breaks.  I has him out the other day and was gone for 5 minutes...
My kids found stickers.  This was under the dining room table (please don't mind the crumbs we had just finished snack and I don't have the neatest of children in my home)
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Jack's foot (again he dressed himself)
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The little girl I watch had them all in her hair, and she has a full head of beautiful hair.  You can see Jack has them on his back too
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Now I think they spent the majority of their time decorating Bella's back (there are about 50 stickers piled on top of each other)
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5 minutes to go and about 30 minutes to clean up
Every morning Jack comes out of his room and it takes him about 15 minutes because he has his "animals" that he has to carry with him.  We were cleaning up the toys after lunch one day and he lined up some of them
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he is very proud!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas trees :)

I did not think that the kids would be ready to make gingerbread houses yet so we decided just to go with trees.  The kids had such a great time.  I  took ice cream cones and icing that I had dyed and gave them to the kids to decorate. 
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I told them that they could eat a couple of the candies so I am shocked that so many made it onto the trees
I tried so hard to get Jack to smile and this is the best I could do
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Bella "smiling"
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Calla showing off her missing teeth
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the finished products:
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Poor Molson is home from his ACL surgery and doing well.  He was doing "too well" according to the vet and he was very rambunctious.  Jason ended up having to build a pen because he was trying to run and jump too much.  Not bad for a quick fix!
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Where ever could they be??

The kids are very much into hiding and scaring me lately.  The thing is that they are not very good at hiding.  This is usually what I come upon with Jack yelling "I'm hiding!"  At any point in time there are probably about 10 blankets laying all over the place for them to "hide" under.
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*this is Jack with Isabella the little girl I watch.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I think Bella likes the stickers....

Grandmom sent the kids each an envelope the other day with a bunch of scratch and sniff stickers and a note.  The kids were so excited and they just dove right into the stickers.
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But then Jason came home and then Bella had to make daddy pretty
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Jack just moved his stickers around from paper to paper.  (he was so proud because this was another day when he dressed himself)
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We are holding a raffle to raise money for Angela's Susan G. Komen walk. All money will be donated directly to her team, "Team Pretty in Pink". For each dollar you donate you will be able to leave a comment under the prize you would like to win. $1 = 1 comment $10 = 15 comments $20 = 40 comments Raffle will begin Friday April 27th and will run through Thursday May4th at 7:00 pm EST. You can donate at Winners will be chosen via and will be listed here on Friday May 5.