It is days like these that make me miss NJ so terribly much. I wish that I could be there to help Grandmom celebrate her birthday. But we are here so I will call her today and get to hear her voice which is the next best thing. I remember two years ago on this day Jason and I drove to NJ to surprise Grandmom on her birthday and to let her know I was pregnant. (we didn't know yet that it was twins).... what a difference a couple of years can make.
Well anyway Jack and Bella wanted to make sure that their Great-Grandmother knew how much they love her:
All of this just to say "Happy Birthday Great Grandmom"

It will be much easier when they can talk
Then we sang Happy Birthday to her

Jack just yelled a lot but he really put some feeling into it
Lastly we put on our party hats to celebrate

Now they just want to know where the cake is....
Jack and Bella are both doing well. I can not believe how big Bella is getting, she has almost an inch on Jack. Their hair is getting so red... when we brought them to the gym daycare the other day a lady made a comment on their red hair. It is slowly getting darker and it just amazes me... so not only are they twins like Grandmom they may just have her red hair too. (Now if they just have her talent, personality, and charm we will be set)
Bella can now say "baby" "ball" and "moo"... she is a genius! Jack still just talks Chinese but he can slam dunk a basketball like no one's business!
I will have to try to figure out how to get video on here.....
Well I better run and clean up from breakfast and get the rest of the day going. But Happy Happy Birthday to the most
wonderful woman in the world!!!